Why the US Silence over Saudi-Al Qaeda Alliance in Yemen?

Why the US Silence over Saudi-Al Qaeda Alliance in Yemen?

The Associated Press has revealed that the US-backed Saudi-led coalition in Yemen has made secret deals with the local Al Qaida affiliate, AQAP, even recruiting its militants to fight Houthi rebels. Saudi analyst Ali Al-Ahmed says that the US is not just looking the other way — it’s involved

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Author: phillynews215


22 thoughts on “Why the US Silence over Saudi-Al Qaeda Alliance in Yemen?

  1. 911 was over 20+ years ago, we should not be using that as an excuse to commit our own terrorist attacks & war crimes in Yemen

  2. Our secular world, it allows the more intelligent upper-half of society to hoard all the land, wealth, healthcare and political power. And so, such disparity of wealth being the only cause of terrorism, why should such an ingrate world get away with blaming their evil on religion?

  3. War on Terror, War on Drugs … etc. worldly "reknowned" as US success stories, aren't they?… But Al Qaeda as a main US ally (and it is the naked truth!!, no Alex Jones conspiracy), go and explain it now to the US population after nearly 18 years of the ultra-nationalistic ("Either you're with them or you're with the US") propaganda and brainwashing started after 9/11 by Bush 43 with the "War or Terror"!!! Hey Obama, "the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize laureate", what d'ya say?! Lots of drones were sent by you on Yemen and elsewhere… in alliance with Al Qaeda, we learn it now… Lots of weapons sold to the "now modern" Saudis… Great job ! Great service for the US citizens and the world at large! Contrary to Al Qaeda, the Houthis in Yemen had not committed any terror attacks against the US… Just like the Syrians, or the Iranians, or the Russians, these are targetted for the only reason that they want to keep their independence from the US "empire" mad dogs… Way to go US and UK politicians… When will the citizens of the US and the UK react and dissociate themselves from these horrendous terror war policies led by their corporate, politicians and governements?! When!? For that is what stopped the Vietnam war: the citizens' total opposition to the horrors they learned were committed by their "elite" military industrial complex, then like now, supposedly "in their name"… Gullible citizen sheeps, … or fake warriors "against terror", for that matter, as we now know.
    [And remember BTW that the US, through their big corporate, were already those who made possible for Nazi Germany to start WW2, providing them with a huge part of the necessary logistics and financing for such a demented entreprise. AND the ww2 was stopped by the Russians, also … and contrary to what people in the West are brainwashed to believe… I was astounded when I learned the ww2 killed soldiers figures: about 1 million for the US, about 1 million for the UK, and… about 10 million !!! for the former USSR (as for the percentage of soldiers used/soldiers killed: USSR: 31.1%, UK: 3.3 %, US: 2.5%) That shows who paid the biggest price in the struggle against the Nazi abomination. True, the US arrived late on the battlefield with their cavalry… After the nazis had been decisively weakened by their crazy opening of the Eastern Front against former USSR, where they did lose the war. But that's right, go and keep believing the decades-old propaganda of your western governements… "Baaaadd Russsia !!!" If you insist on really remaining dumb and blind to the facts.]

  4. US support for terrorism dates way back to supporting death squads in various Latin American countries in the 60s/70s, and arming and training (and recruiting fighters for) the mujahideen in Afghanistan in the 70s. So there are no surprises there

  5. The AP article is sadly often cited as just Saudi Arabia paying terrorists to leave the battle, when in reality many countries (such as Saudi Arabia and Turkey) are using these horrifically violent groups to murder opposing factions.

  6. Proving that Al Qaida is just a paid for, mercenary group. All their proclamations of the true way to live by Gods rules or whatever fake religious crap they spew is all fake. They obviously don't care about God, I doubt they truly believe. They are a joke just like the ISIS and all the other wahhabists. They care about money and controlling people but obviously not God.

  7. Saudi Arabia, with Israel & the CIA finance terror groups around the globe. It is a policy to destabilize the region so eventually Iran will be starved, divided, defeated & destroyed much like Iraq , Libya & now Yemen, other rich African nations. The next war with Iran will be the last war for humanity. Quite possible a NWO will emerge from the total destruction, but most humanity will die off.

  8. Al qaeda have pulled back their units months ago and you are talking about them… they did not do a thing

  9. So Bin Laden was an US Ally ( AL-Quaeda ). Why was he killed by US ? and Why would Bin Laden ( The Ally ) Bring down the Twin Towers ? So WHO brought down the Twin Towers & Building 7 on 9/11 ?. Simple solutions made difficult to understand for the general public by the US Government & Intelligence Agencies.

  10. Can not recall the name of the alien movie and plausible deniability!!? There is no sold proof Mr President that links us to Al-Qaida. Duhh, so why are their fighters carrying American weapons?

  11. So, during the Bush Admin, everything was on the up and up? Al Queda were just bad guys and the US were just good guys fighting them? Only during the Obma Admin was the US able to sway Al Queda to our side? LOL OK.

  12. "In February 2016 Al-Qaeda forces and Saudi-led coalition forces were both seen fighting Houthi rebels in the same battle"

    From Yemen wiki.
    I hipothesise Saudis are clearing ground so that Al Qaeda may migrate from somalia into yemen.

    Barack Obama was knighted by the House of Saud and frequently used drones for targeted killings of Shia Muslims and enemies of the House of Saud in Yemen.

    In art:
    The video called "my pet goat 2" video released a year after osama's death.
    Tho see, the gist of his agenda remains, as Yemen burns.
    The piece of art Has a scene with osama bin laden standing on an iceberg shaped as the horn of africa (somalia). Drifting in the direction of Yemen, (this movement is signaled by the tiny yemeni island moves torwards Somalia)
    Somalia was the "base" of al qaeda, but the strife in Yemen enticed them to move in, infecting the "freed" zones.

    Now, for the perception of this man, "the us knows." The "us Ideological problem" of "hating free people," is wrong. You need to properly asses the sections of the machine that are corrupt and broken, rather than to rebert to broad labels as "the us." Is like if am wronged by isis but I blame Islam. Rather, one would recognise the factions and structures that part take in the corrupt activity. In this case being the intelligence agencies, you would be surpriced how insulated their functioning is to that of conventional politics. And how much leverage they have.

    MI6 is leading this operation and involved with staging terrorist attacks in Europe and the United States. MI6 and the CIA also financed billions of dollars to the Mujahedeen along with Pakistani intelligence creating Al-Qaeda. The intelligence agencies then carried out 9/11 and disproportionately linked their Al-Qaeda creation with the Taliban and invaded Afghanistan. The CIA and MI6 created the same type of Mujahedeen program in Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon known as ISIS which is connected with the German-Nazi established Hezbollah.

    But I am still waiting for the planets to align. Until then, the more insight the better.

  13. Saudi Arabia, Al Qaida, and the Military-Industrial-Complex have been on the same side since years before 9/11. Look at that picture the Saudis sent to Canada with a plane looking like it's about to crash into a building. That is an admission of guilt, as far as I'm concerned. The Saudis have had ties with the oil industry in the U.S. for a long time. The Christians in the U.S., the U.K. and France, the Israelis, and, the most likely of all, the Ultra-Orthodox Christian Putin are all plotting together on some grand scheme. Whatever it is, it can't be good.

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