Mass Media Fail to Link Heat Waves and Climate Change

Mass Media Fail to Link Heat Waves and Climate Change

Even though studies show that human-caused climate change is doubling the likelihood of heat waves, major news outlets consistently fail to make the link, which makes dealing with the problem far more difficult than it should be

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Author: phillynews215


41 thoughts on “Mass Media Fail to Link Heat Waves and Climate Change

  1. I would say the vast majority of people are so uncomfortable with this issue, they totally ignore it. No one discusses it amongst eachother, because the ramifications are so daunting. So, news people are no different. It's so scary for people, they just block it out and hope it wont happen.

  2. U will not survive this sun that is coming 4 u. U think its hot now u just wait. This is God's earth and his extreme weather and he is turning up the heat on y'all ass, we can take it: we don't blister and die. People with color love the sun. No burns no sunscreen,we have built in protection. (Born with it).

  3. An average worker will work until he drops for the business man to make money. The business man will collect the money until the last worker falls and use the money to buy bigger AC UNITS. That's what happens when the modern world is run like a business not like an environment we all need to protect.

  4. Thank you for this coverage. In the future, please consider not showing random B roll of people experiencing mild discomfort in the heat. The mainstream media does that too. Use graphics showing the data, or if you feel it's necessary to show people, show the real problems of people experiencing heat stroke and being taken away in ambulances.

  5. In the States and Canada there's a lot of information that just doesn't make it to the mainstream, and, with the field to themselves, Big Oil and Big Coal have sadly managed to convince many otherwise clever and skeptical folks that AGW is a massive plot by money-grubbing scientists or other evil plotters, or just that all the scientists out there doing the field work and crunching the numbers are all galloping incompetents. Sorry to say it's not so – AGW's happening, and Mother Earth – the bank of last resort – doesn't do bailouts.

  6. It's the same reason ancient civilizations dug caves into mountains. Hear of the caves of France? Caves like this one are all over the planes of the earth. What caused them to go underground? Did cavemen cause climate change back then? Bone and wheel created global warming? 😁 well, they did this because of Wormwood-Nibiru. It's here again, and that's the big secret. The 3rd secret of Fatima, the reason for climate change, pestilence and starvation. 1665, all over again. But, Wormwood is on its last voyage. Yes, it coming to usher in the return of YHWH. Be there, or stay for the ending fireworks.

  7. The media is being weak basically. They are scared. Their viewers are scared. Republicans have been shown to have a much stronger fear of death than Democrats, so they are so scared that they cannot even allow themselves to conceive of climate change (or some minority of them cannot at least)! Everyone is paralyzed by fear I think. They need to stop being so afraid and start facing up to reality. If we don't get a handle on this, there will be a lot more to be afraid of. And if your fears are focused on your kids, then yeah, it'll be scary because they'll die from what you did or, actually, failed to do if you don't act now! Better wake up and face the facts before it's far too late to save the entire human species.

  8. My home is solar powered. It cost me a lot to do it but I am glad I did. Especially as the effects of climate chaos intensify. At least I know I have done what I could do.

  9. Climate changes, whether these events are part of that dynamic or just extreme weather remains to be seen. Also, whether changes in climate are significantly driven by anthropogenic C02 is also up for conjecture. The science is by no means settled. There are many studies and scientists who have very good data and theories that dispute the C02 driver as pushed by the establishment, but these are never discussed on msm. How this commentator can say that msm doesn't promote the IPCC story on climate change beggars belief. School children are indoctrinated with that story and agenda 21 is pushed on the public in all areas of civic life. These kind of commentators are very quick to conflate extreme weather with climate change and then with anthropogenic C02 (this expert even admitted at the beginning the connection is tenuous). Once they've established the connection they go on to list all the catastrophes due to bad weather and having planted the causality in the mind of the unthinking listener the story rolls on, unexamined.

  10. Inactive sun (no sun spots) and the decline in Earth's magnetic field (will flip in the near future) means less protection against cosmic rays. It is cyclical, not man made. We cannot influence cosmic rays. The magnetism from outside Earth is pulling on our nickel iron core. That core is liquid, it reacts, it moves. Tectonic plates are moving. That is why there are so many vulcanic outbursts and earthquakes and cracks in the ground. That is all just nature doing its thing. Not man made. Don't flatter yourself. CO2 is insignificant compared to this.

  11. I thought mass media was all about sensationalism so why the silence?
    Climate change, droughts and food shortage are sensational stories.
    But we are being kept in the dark by the media.

  12. I hope the Trumpster cannot sell Lora Lago and if there has to be global warming along with sea level rise, his corrupt kiddies will drown in its debt without any value in this aquatic real estate.

  13. The media allowed non-scientists to dispute GW as a counter argument to scientists and that left people uncertain. That's kind of like a non-electrician telling the electrician he's wrong, then later the house burns down. Would you lean over a plumber's shoulder and say, "No, don't use that elbow, use this other one instead." Later the pipe bursts and water ruins part of your house. Leave specialization to those that have learned it and shut up if its a subject you have NOT specialized in at school and work.

  14. Some are not blind, but still cannot see….. Some are not deaf, but still cannot hear….Some can read, but still do not understand….See, hear and read the same story five times and you will be brainwashed….Meet others that have also read the same story five times and you will all be brainwashed….The pole shift is reducing the strength of the magnetosphere which allows more solar and cosmic radiation to heat up the surface of the planet….simples!

    One cause for the escalation of extreme weather events is simple…less trees in the tropics each year….less to absorb the suns radiation = tropical warming (NOT GLOBAL WARMING!). Higher temperature around the tropics = more moisture evaporated from the oceans producing much warmer denser and increased cloud production (hence more flooding in tropics where tree cover is reduced)…..then more and denser ‘tropical rainforest clouds’ carrying more moisture escape the tropics as intense heat on cleared land creates lift to allow these clouds to escape the tropics on trade winds…hence cooling effect away from the tropics as cloud cover increases and increased rain and snow fall away from the tropics, whilst extra cloud cover also traps the extra heat travelling up from the tropics…..Less trees in the tropics each year = less biomass to sequester the CO2’….As the ocean warms, the warmer seas travel north to the Arctic and south to the Antarctic…as warmer air from the tropics travels north and south…. air is warmer in the Arctic and in the Antarctic….simples!’ The warmer air and seas distorts the position of the jet stream pushing it north towards west Canada and north towards the UK but there is a counteractive force pushing the jet stream south at these points as a result of the increase in cloud cover escaping the Tropics which cools some areas of the ocean through reduced radiation from the sun.
    The world's governments and the world media are failing the common man. With so many suffering from fires, floods, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, many loose their critical documents…birth and marriage certificates, insurance documents, driving licences and passports. Without these documents it is very difficult, time consuming and expensive to replace these documents. The governments and the media should at very least warn everyone to keep these documents safe and high in their homes!!! Nobody knows where the next hurricane, flood, heatwave, earthquake, volcanic eruption will hit!

  15. we've had much longer hotter heat waves in the 1930's. Stop spreading the lies the government is feeding you! A one degree C rise in global temperature over a century is not causing fires. You are part of the mess media.

  16. Here in the High Desert of California, I'm just thankful that so far (knock on wood), this summer hasn't been as bad as last summer. So far, temps of 104 – 106F (recorded averages are 100F) but last summer it was days on end in August of 113 -117. I almost died and I lost some animals due to the heat. Keeping my fingers crossed that that doesn't happen again this year. Next year – I'll have to install A/C just to survive. We need SOLAR!

  17. The reason it isn't being covered is because we aren't going to do anything about it. If you're not going to fix a problem, your only option is to ignore it. The fix at this point would be massively disruptive. In the late '70's we were beginning to move towards a more ecologically friendly set of policies. Ronald Reagan ended that. The US are the ones who have driven the ignoring of climate. It's going to end up with the Republicans killing all of us.

  18. There's no money if fighting climate change, make it profitable and you'll see lots of changes. We live in capitalism, we don't do things to save animals, people or the planet from change. We are motivated by money. It's crazy, I know, but there you have it.

  19. Honest climatologists recognize the plain mathematical fact that climate change and heat waves CAN NOT be connected. It is not statistically valid to cherry pick an area that is excessively hot, excessively dry, excessively cold, whatever, and attribute it to climate change. The Global Warming dupes use the term climate change to mask for global warming. Nonetheless, climate is always changing so of course there is always climate change. But that does not mean anthropogenic atmospheric warming. The big concern now, and likely what is causing so much disturbance, is the Eddy Grand Solar Minimum, which will make average temperatures lower and whatever wild effect the collapse of the geomagnetic sphere has on incoming radiation. Meantime, our trees continue to suffer carbon dioxide deprivation because the current leaves evolved with fewer pores, when there was more carbon dioxide. It's a shame to continue these manufactured untruths, shown as such conclusively in 2009. It's just one more case of American crooked profits.

  20. Don't Greenwash Europe thinking we are leading the way. Nobody is respecting Paris. There was an article in a Swiss newspaper talking about what the Swiss government is doing about Climate Change. They talked about setting up committees to talk about it, to coordinate with governments and who will get the money, and a plan of action. Only the very last sentence said, oh by the way, we should use less fossil fuels.
    The Swiss are the home of the World Bank, the IMF, the WEF, the BNS, and UBS an CS. These large financial institutions are still investing in fossil fuel infrastructrure, and they want an ROI of 30 years. This is why there goals of gooing renewable in 2050.
    WE ARE IN A CLIMATE EMERGENCY. TRNN is one of the leading voices, but you have to start putting skin in the game. You have some of the best journalists, get to work. I am not trolling you, I am encouraging you to do even more! Please.

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