Kaepernick NFL Collusion Case Moving Ahead; Trump at the Center

Kaepernick NFL Collusion Case Moving Ahead; Trump at the Center

Arbitrator ruled that collusion hearing on NFL keeping Colin Kaepernick from playing can move ahead. Trump’s divisive fingerprints are all over this case.

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Author: phillynews215


19 thoughts on “Kaepernick NFL Collusion Case Moving Ahead; Trump at the Center

  1. The problem here is that many people don't know that it was a Green Beret that had written a letter to Kaepernick as he chose to sit during the anthem, which to the Green Beret surprise answered and met with him on this issue. The Green Beret discussed his point of view with Kaepernick his views on sitting during the anthem, and suggested kneeling instead as it is how the military shows respect to fallen soldiers. Kaepernick agreed , and started kneeling instead. So, after knowing this, Kaepernick is showing respect to the military at the same time protesting police brutality. This kneeling has nothing to do with disrespecting the military, it's exercising his first amendment right that our soldiers fight for.

  2. Perhaps after everyone knelt during the anthem, on the first kick off all players should take a knee and let one runner face one DB while the rest of both teams knelt for the first play of every game. That'd send a message to the owners, fans and courts no one would forget and all would know will not end until people everywhere comprehend and agree BLM.

  3. There is one thing that I've learned in my 62 years on this earth as a black man in America. You can't please white folks! Somehow, anything you do they find a way to minimize it. You can be a doctor, lawyer, teacher, police officer, athlete, maybe even president and you still won't be respected as equal. We need to pattern ourselves after BLACK WALLSTREET. Think about this. Maybe trump wants to segregate the NFL again. Would you pay to see an all white NFL?

  4. Keep wanting to comment, but I go into a rant.
    1. The players are put on PUBLIC display for the anthem. Since they are in a PUBLIC venue, including often network television and media, they should be considered protected by their rights under thefirst amendment.
    2. Anyone that thinks they support America, but don't support a citizens rights under the first amendment, are either confused, or doesn't like our Bill of Rights!
    3. Our president LIES TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE by telling them that this protest is about the flag and our troops. Fact is that this protest had nothing to do with that, and was even designed as a kneeling protest to resoect the troops.
    4. The FBI released two reports a decade apart (2006-2016) detailing the alarmingly successful attempts to infiltrate police departments country wide with white supremacists.
    5. Trump could likely end the priests within a week by declaring an investigation into the issue of police violence against the citizens if this country. Instead the "president" insists on name calling, and public bullying. Who knows what efforts he is putting behind the scenes to affect NFL policy fighting AGAINST supporting the principles of the first amendment.
    6. It is evident the president has an enemies list that includes United States citizens, and he uses his office to bully and attack his "enemies." This is called abuse of office and is an impeachable offense.

  5. Football is gay porn. It's a bunch of men in tights getting paid to hump each other in front of an audience. Just like pro-wrestling.

  6. Nationalist doesn't mean racist.
    Trump gave the players a chance to make a difference for the cause of injustice but they snubbed Trump, now from Trumps perspective these players are a waste of time, and their cause (however Noble) is disingenuous.

  7. This Is just another example of how monumentally stupid and Ignorant Trump is. Colin more than likely could sue Trump at some later date and if I was him I would be seeking legal advice on that right now. Michael A. would probably be interested in a case like this after all he's been pretty good at exposing Trump. We see the same stupidity with Trump's Geo-political and economic policies; he made a blunder with the Korea's and now he's having to backtrack on that. He's playing up a trade deal with Mexico but the only winners are Mexican workers, AMLO and the petty crooks ( people probably working for Wilbur R.) that will decide what cars have 70% of their parts made in North America. Economically the stupidity is mind blowing; the tax giveaway, sanctioning or placing tariffs on countries that supply a fifth of the worlds GDP and picking a fight with two major oil producers. This isn't going to end well.

  8. If NFL was smart, they would forget the damn song and play football. It's not an international competition, so why they damn patriot song? Why does the NFL think it's their job to force the their Patriotic Indoctrination on their customers (and employees)?

  9. Grantham is all over the chessboard and he’s wrong. Players / Union aren’t responsible for not talking. They already did that last year. The NFL owners have much more power & voice in this than players do. Grantham is trying to play both sides to the middle to position himself for an arbitration/mediator job instead of speaking to the raw issue: which are Bigoted NFL owners & their racist policies and the likelihood that they’ll loose to Kap because of them.

  10. If I can own an AR15, they can take a knee. Anyone who can’t understand this has an ulterior motive.

  11. Unfortunately, for the fake real news.com, marxist in disguise, the majority of sane, compassionate human beings, still capable of using common sense, WE AGREE WITH TRUMP. not the anti-american anti-western kappie boy. He should go to Iran and help them to bring reforms there, even Egypt.

  12. The anti kneel people say the players are paid to #ENTERTAIN and it's not the time or place to mix entertainment with #CAUSES and politics. 🤔 So why are we mixing the Seriousness of the #MILITARY and the #VETERANS and #PLEDGING to the Flag, with #ENTERTAINMENT?? That shouldn't even be a requirement before #SPORTS or Concerts or any form of entertainment! What does the military and the flag and the anthem and pledging, have to do with sports/entertainment?? What other forms of #ENTERTAINMENT do we have to Pledge our Loyalty first, before enjoying the #ENTERTAINMENT 🤨

  13. My friends, my family and I will not be watching this season unless Kaepernick plays and the players kneel if they choose to. This is on the president and possibly, to a lesser extent, the owners.

  14. I boycott the NFL. Overpaid and clueless, they should be fined. People love Trump. Ironically it was Obama that unleashed the most brutal assault on the black people of Libya

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