Rancorous Senate Cmte Pushes Kavanaugh Nomination, FBI Will Investigate Accusations

Rancorous Senate Cmte Pushes Kavanaugh Nomination, FBI Will Investigate Accusations

Who believes what depends on what you believe in our divided nation. Political war wrapped in misogyny leads to one of history’s most explosive Senate confirmations.

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Author: phillynews215


23 thoughts on “Rancorous Senate Cmte Pushes Kavanaugh Nomination, FBI Will Investigate Accusations

  1. It's Rule By The unseen forces of evil, world cabal Mob and these evil beings pulling the strings from the shadows. The End Of Justice in the U.S.,no an accident. This is a moment in which to be aware of the changing of the guard. It seems that the destiny of the planet has been wrested from the control of its inhabitants, as it would appear the control of the Republic of the U.S.A. has been taken from its people. The wakeup call is being sounded and the internal intuitional agitation to shed the skin of this deceptive controlled experience has begun in earnest. The time of choosing to move with the flow of Creation or to remain stuck within the hoax is upon all of humanity. Education, as it is known, is not an advantage. It is within each self-awareness that this process will take place. All are equal in opportunity in this process. Believe that! Purity of response outweighs educational degrees. Those who know the least of what is going on will hear first. You have been educated into the deception that provides the grease upon the wheels of their plans. You have been fooled into supporting them as they carried forth their plans that so far have been focused upon the uneducated and those unable to oppose the power you are giving the manifested evil ones through consent by believing their lies.

  2. When four witnesses discredit your accusation (four witnesses that were touted as being able to corroborate the story), then there is no case.

    But Ford is getting attention and sympathy gofundme money, so let's all ignore the super low blow where you falsely accuse someone of rape.

  3. The spectacle of the hearings made it into the newspapers internationally. One paper stating the hearings showed our senators to be as low as our president. Personally I will be extremely surprised if Kavanaugh will not get the nomination. The FBI investigation is just a vehicle to legitimize an extremely controversial nomination. This privileged man is bad news for the 99%.

  4. The Real News and friends,
    The MILITARY plans to take out Trump via the 25th Amendment.
    Stephen Basset's Prediction of Trump's Resignation Before UFO Disclosure.

  5. Focusing on the US news is like watching tv shows such as, AS the world turns, General hospital, all soap operas that take you away from the real world, where we face climate change, we have kids and elders dying of starvation because of the inept attitude of the US, they are great creators of dramatic effects as they are the worlds leader in hit tv shows that promote violence, promotional display of dysfunctional families, promotion of greed, promoting lies, teaching our children how to lie as Trump is the best of them all, and all we do is sit back and watch the drama unfold, what a perfect world we live in, keep your heads covered in the sand and one day you will wake up and see the reality staring you in the face, gosh our world is gone stone mad crazy uh? where was I when all this was happening, watching Sylvester Stallone be the ultimate fighter, tv has made the world what it is today. Then we accuse our Prime Minister of being a Drama Queen, when he taught that subject when he was a teacher, he knows more about drama and how the world became the DRAMATIC world created by our own delusional dreams, OH but we allow these commentators to disrespect a MAN that fought for change, as we demanded change from Harper formula of choking us out of hard earned money, yet it is easier to destroy than to build on something positive, right??? go ahead and build on negativity it does the world so much good, eh???blah blah blah

  6. Our system was put in place to cause chaos. Not truth. Truth is balance? Balance shows truth? And how its all set up to funnel to the top. Without being put back out where needed in balance. The whole world is out of balance. Its an easy fix?

  7. Would not a panel of 4 . 2 victims . 2 to debate in private with each other, know exactly how to ask the accuser the exact questions? And debate ask of accord of her answers, get the exact truth? Yes. But our system only works with a defense against the prossacuter ? For a win. Money? Our court system is wrong

  8. Bottom line: Republicans don't and have never believed rape is a crime so even if Kavanaugh is guilty, they don't care. It's still a man's world and those of us that have been raped have to live in it.

  9. Mark Steiner, I would add this. Historically, from the founding of this nation, Supreme Court appointments and S. Court legal decisions have always been politically driven. For disenfranchised people including women, it has always been a dysfunctional court.

  10. It comes down to , political bickering between 2 American parties with the interference of the ME movement to discredit the advancement of a judge in his career.Anything more boring than that?

  11. This investigation may mutate into something the conservatives are unable to control. Other 'victims' coming forward may be the random element. Flake showed some real courage on this one. Of course, he's not running for reelection.

  12. I am not a Trump supporter , but I have been watching this on TV and personally I think this is a big facade made up from the Democrats and the ME movement just for publicity and shifting the world attention to this crap , instead of focusing on other crises that are happening in the world that are more concerning to public!

  13. This is about more than political divides and misogyny, though both are being used. This is about Trump desperately wanting someone on the court before Gamble vs. United States goes before the court this Fall. Trump needs someone he can count on to vote to end the separation between Federal and State court cases that prevents Double Jeopardy when a given act is tried as a crime in both courts. Trump can pardon himself in Federal court but not state. Hence this entire charade. In the end, it always comes back to him looking out for his own interests and absolutely nothing else. Realize.

  14. Complete denial of all the positive letters for judge Kav. Complete disregard for the evidence of the calender presented as evidence. Such one sided view is unnecessary and feeds those who want to gut the due process rules.

  15. What a completely biased illogical and party centric guest. Your lack of challenge to this persons opinion is dreadful. We dont need any more party megaphone we have 4 other stations for that shit.

  16. Why in the world is she trying compare the severity of their mistreatment? all of this behavior is a dereliction of duty on the part of the committee and needs to see people prosecuted for their miscarriage of justice.

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