Trump’s New Tariffs on China Help Pay for his Corporate Tax Cut

Trump’s New Tariffs on China Help Pay for his Corporate Tax Cut

Trump’s claim that China is paying for the tariffs is completely false and basically serves to redirect income from his poor supporters to his wealthy supporters. Not only that, the policy will have the consequence of further isolating the United States, says Michael Hudson

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Author: phillynews215


46 thoughts on “Trump’s New Tariffs on China Help Pay for his Corporate Tax Cut

  1. Dear President Donald Trump,
    President Xi Xinping of China,
    The Real News Network,
    Why is China funding this? Why did President Trump propose this. Who actually receives benefit from this dis-service that was placed on China? I thought since all of us knew through books of inequality like Naders and J. Marrs that we need proper global management of an attainable equative society promoting health and well being for all. Remember, when it's not fair there's a one sided benefit which is unjust! Thank you.
    Don Suiters
    Clearwater Florida
    It's like recording an intimate session with spouse for one sided review, when neither one was aware of being recorded. Someone benefitted which I believe is voyuerism?

  2. The only time you can get all the DEPLORABLE in one place is a Trump rally or a NASCAR Convention in Vegas.

  3. Would not devaluing Chinese currency also hurt Chinese citizens and their savings, which are obviously in their sovereign fiat currency? I don't buy the argument that devaluing is the method that only hurts Americans. It's good that Trump is trying to bring some jobs back, but in trying to do, we might slip into recession more quickly, which is also ultimately on the way regardless of what Trump does anyway.

  4. I'm afraid most of the electorate is just too stupid to understand simple economics. This does not bode well for democracy when they are distracted with "bread and circuses" while Rome burns.

  5. if the "tariff" , which is a big if cuz u.s.consumer pay it, pay for tax cut, who pay for those famers subsidies who lose chinese buyers? either tax payers pay Trump's rich friend or help him buy votes, and i think it is both

  6. Can we just have the Trump supporters pay for it well probably not we will all have to🤔🤨 well the rich people will not have to suffer we need to stop the bulshit and come together for our own sakes

  7. I'm paying double DOUBLE FOR STEEL. China hasn't covered my cost increases. The client pays but the shock is felt in declines of project and planning.

  8. Quite a joke. US corporates earned loads from buying China products, earning in the back of China, then blame China.

    Even rare earth processing, US benefits from cheaper prices and China gets the pollution … Then blames China … Are Americans that daft?

  9. 45 announces a tax increase (by increasing tariffs) and his supporters are applauding, how stupid are they? He has a brain the size of a pea. USA get rid of him otherwise you are doomed!

  10. Your title says it all of course that's his plan to bring companies back to America don't y'all get it or are you just too stupid?

  11. It is our fault, we buy foreign goods to save money and our neighbor losses there jobs because we dont want to shop locally, samething is happening with online shopping. Stop relying on China.

  12. Give a jackass the control of a ship & it will sink,guaranteed, this is why Putin chose trump aka the biggest incompetent imbecile ever conceived 👀

  13. 00:20 – Donald knows nothing. And everyone in that room knows nothing. Taxing the hell out of China – LOL
    10:22 – Trump has spent the parting gifts 10:27 – Peace Prize for Unifying the entire world without the USA.

  14. Bill clinton was a rasist an trump is a rasist. America is in decline because of its rasism greed blame an lack of morals and values. An especially bad decision making bill clinton is to blame when it comes to china.

  15. Hey deplorables standing behind trump, do not believe him. You and I are paying as increased prices for our every day products. He is heating us. He is taking money away from us to pay for the top 5 percent as tax cuts.

  16. Even Israel is leaving us and turning to China, Israel will put a knife to America’s back in a NY second, in fact they already have, now they r claiming a Chinese lost tribe. The world is filled with bullshit

  17. I voted for the asshole president, I’m calling for his arrest he is simply enriching himself on the backs of all the idiots who voted for him like me

  18. Funny How We Had Possession Of Everything To Sale To The World!
    Opportunity To Help Poor Countries To Improve Their Infrastructure, Schools, Fair Honest Negotiating! NO!
    We Wanted The Continuation Of The European Oppression Of All Others Across The World!
    Shipped Jobs To China To Be The New Slave Labor, Country, And Environment To Exploit, (had other plans for young people of fighting age, adding women to the draft).
    They Needed People To Enlist In The Military! Can't do that when everybody's happy with their Jobs!?!
    Now angry because We Have Nothing To Sale That China Wants!
    We Already Gave It All To Them For Free! Free trade agreements !
    Boy Did They Get A Freebie!

  19. the whole time i'm thinking (with this trade war with china) that trump is acting like china works for him, and the u.s. economy. but i wouldn't say that because that would be a colossally stupid… even for trumpy bear… but there it is, michael hudson, professor of economics just said that's essentially what trump is doing. he thinks china is going to just roll over and play dead for america? what a scary time we live in.

  20. we are the second largest manufacturer in the world , were number one before the free trade movement in the nineties

  21. tariffs make american goods more competitive would should protect our manufacturing base which is the source of our wealth in this country

  22. This presentation was brilliant. tRump is DESTROYING THE US, IT WILL END UP ISOLATED & BANKRUPT !! Manufacturing WILL NOT RETURN TO THE US ANYTIME SOON … WILL TAKE MINIMUM OF 5 YEARS !! It is true of tRump & in fact all omnipotent ppl that ALL THEY TOUCH EVENTUALLY GETS DESTROYED & TURNS TO SHIT ! Unfortunately he has a very DUMB base whom don't know any better & won't WAKE up until it is TOO LATE ! I just hope there enough smart Americans whom can vote this madman out in 2020. PUT THIS CRIMINAL IN JAIL !!

  23. Who would let someone come in there house to get cheap labor and have product secrets. That's a security risk. Besides that China's Intel worldwide stands above our students.

    25% most wealthy own 75% of wealth and are 95% white
    25% educated middle-class own 25% of wealth and are 80% white

    50% uneducated laboring-class own 0% of wealth and are 50% white

  25. That. G. D. Tariff is a tax on everthing that we buy in every aspect of our lives. Trumps a failure as a business man and human being a waste of good air. His incompetentence doesn t fool us we know the score. Take control of our society before he destroys it.

  26. Be like China and build infrastructure? But OMG, that's Socialism/Communism. Be afraid, be very afraid. Venezuela!

  27. Unfortunately most of Trump's followers are ignorant of the reality, they just clap and cheer him on, not knowing that they're hurting themselves.

  28. Trump is a moron. 🙄 American companies pays for the tariffs. The American people pay for tax cuts for the rich, or not really since Trumps economics is increasing the dept, very fast. He is running the economy terribly bad, but lying about it of course…

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