29 thoughts on “Tyrant trooper body camera coming soon! Cop gets owned

  1. The older trooper claims he is big on training. How about training your minions to not insert their ego's into a discourse with the public, also train yourself to not UNLAWFULY threaten arrest to a citizen away from the traffic accident, what an asshole.

  2. Cops are all infected with a serious and possibly deadly virus known as "STUPID."

    Some have a more violent reaction to the disease and show their ignorance of the law.

    Most feel, that because they have a badge and a gun that, THEY ARE THE LAW and ALL MUST OBEY.

    STUPID promotes IGNORANCE!!!! You see, they are nothing but cheap tin badges with total IDIOTS pinned to them.

    Another effect of the disease is that they forget that "WE THE PEOPLE" are their employers, not their dogs.

    My advice: RESIST, DEFY and DO NOT COMPLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Question… why not upload the actual body cam you have? Are you to busy editing it or something? I dont understand why unless your trying to edit it to hide something.

  4. It's harder to detect the full scope of disrespect being transmitted, without the video.
    cop – Did you see anything?
    citizen – Fuck off, douche.

  5. Obviously, we all know that he needs an etiquette lesson. Now a lesson in proper diction! When you say, "I could care less," that in fact means that you do care, at least somewhat, and that level could go down. I believe what he was really trying to say was, "I could not care less"?!? That would indicate that your level of caring is already at its lowest point. For more lessons in proper grammar, might I suggest Word Crimes by Weird Al Yankovic.

  6. The troopers name and badge is public record isn't it? And his employers phone number. The people want citizens filming these public servants, because they murder people and violate their rights, everywhere and everyday.

  7. Trooper Baker is a huge liability to his department he hates free people and america hes a punk we all can see it I bet his boss knows hes weak but puts him out on the street any way. shameful

  8. The sign of a man who knows his mission. The cop asked "are you a police officer" ANY other would have answered "not anymore" thereby skewing the honest audit. Thanx james

  9. The level of entitlement is nauseating…. What kind of authoritarian b/s do these troopers think they can get away with? I think they have forgotten that their job is to serve the public not lord over them, idiots.

  10. As soon as the Conservatives steal the next election including 22 and 24. One of the 1st order of business of the new fascist right in America is going to be making filming the police illegal.

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