NEW Evangelicals TURN THE TABLES on Trump, Expose Movement | PoliticsGirl

Christian Nationalism is a giant threat to our country. A danger to women, to minorities, to the marginalized and to democracy itself. While these white, Christian nationalists believe they’re saving the country from heathenism, what they’re really offering is a theocracy of top down control with themselves at the top. We must see this threat for what it is, and that starts with understanding. Tim Whitaker is the founder of the New Evangelicals, an inclusive, Jesus-centered community that holds space for those marginalized by the evangelical church and advocates for systemic change. Raised deep in the evangelical world – Tim had a crisis of faith watching his church leaders embrace a man who was so antithetical to what he had been taught to believe. He now holds the toxic churches and their leaders accountable, while still offering a home of faith to his fellow Christians. Please join us for this incredibly engaging conversation.

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45 thoughts on “NEW Evangelicals TURN THE TABLES on Trump, Expose Movement | PoliticsGirl

  1. I would never vote for trump … I am a NONE … I believe in the spirit but not organized religion ……. I feel blessed each day but have not walked into a church since I was 16.

  2. Truth of the matter, infact the truth of God's word that will stand Forever, this word does not need to change for us, but we for it!!!!! We were born and shaped in and by sin, and Our Creator made the way for us through Jesus Christ his only begotten Son!!!!! We need to reconnect with our God ththrough Jesus, it's the only way given by God!!!! White Evangelicals were and is blinded by their own ignorance, pride, they turned to Trump to become their Saviour….. Jesus who died for them is now forgotten and God's Glory is now given to a man call Trump and his spineless followers!!!! God shares his Glory with no one, in time The GodHead will Judged them and show them his Strength!!!!! Let the Lord have his way!!!!!!

  3. Trump seems like such an obviously false non-prophet that I wonder if some people's belief in miracles might've gone haywire. But there we were in 2016, and here we are today, faced with a cognitive test that seems pretty simple to me. Good luck, America 🇺🇲 try not to squander it this time.

  4. I'm a Christian and was hysterical on election day 2016 because I studied history and could foresee Trump becoming our Hitler. I voted Dem or independent before that, too. The Jesus I know is a liberal. He doesn't command us to hate but to love.

  5. I'm an atheist. I was raised as Free Methodist (in Canada), but almost all of my family eas in Pentecostal or Wesleyan ministries. To understand my family, I have three uncles, two are ordained Pentecostal ministers and the other is a lay minister. One uncle and aunt were missionaries in Africa. My grandfather was a lay minister (Methodist) and Gideon. A great uncle was a travelling minister and his son is also a minister. A great-great-uncle was "visited by angels" and wrote hymns. So everyone around me was deeply entrenched in Wesleyan and Pentecost theology. I was offered a free-ride scholarship to a Wesleyan University in NY State (but would it really be free?)

    When I was a child, I had questions and I couldn't get answers. They would counsel me to pray, or have faith. This lead me to reading the entire Bible and the church's Articles of Faith. It didn't jive with my worldview (and I still had those questions). I was told (and believed) that there was something wrong with me because I was incapable of blind faith. Eventually, I explored Buddhism and a monk recognized my difficulties and flat out told me that I do not have to have faith at all … I am a-okay being a nonbeliever, as long as I always strive to be a good person. He put me in touch with a local Secular Humanist.

  6. That is a copout for people who are too lazy to adhere to any religion. They don’t want bro fast, or attend mass weekly, or spend 5 min praying. They use atheist as a copout! These people are hiding from themselves and one day will pay for their laziness. I pray for all these people, they need it 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  7. My church is allied with United Church of Christ. I cannot recommend strongly enough that followers of this podcast locate a UCC church near them. They will find that UCC is TOTALLY in agreement with almost everything this podcast is saying.
    Please find a UCC church near you. It is great to find a church full of people who share your beliefs on Jesus and his teachings of love for your fellow human being. And women are equal to men in UCC.
    Plus, UCC accepts as members and clergy gay, lesbian, and other persons who are condemned in other churches.

  8. i was born and raised catholic, and i still hold a lot of beliefs like saints, angels, emphasis on mary, etc, but not going to lie, i had to stop going to church, before the trump era because of many toxic folks that i had to deal with in the community and some very questionable sermons that felt very un-jesus like, and the face that the priest disrespected my mom who accidentally went ahead of me and i had the bread when she had the wine. i was very tempted to disrupt the mass right there and tell him off, but out of respect for knowing my mom wouldn't want that, i held my tongue. he also shooed a homeless man off of the stairs in the front who was just sitting down for a moment to take a break. how can someone call themselves a christian leader if they don't follow one of the most basic of jesus' teachings!?!?! so i call myself spiritual instead of religious, i like to pray/talk to god in nature or when i see emergency vehicles go by or when i see dead animals on the side of the road. i follow my gut. have a mini-altar in my home to basically practice solo, so i don't have to worry about anyone trying to corrupt the beliefs i love for their own agendas. i also believe in coexisting. if someone wants to join or not join a religious community, i do not judge them for that and it is none of my business. i just refuse to be pushed out of what i believe is right for myself.

    as a woman, i am very terrified of project 2025. i want to be a single child-free woman with a career the rest of my life. if it becomes handmaiden's tale, i am leaving the country for my own physical and emotional safety and refuse to become a slave/beholden to a husband, but i am afraid for the people who would not be able to leave due to many reasons like monetary or not wanting to leave family behind, etc. and what about other populations attacked in this project, like lgbt and bipoc?! their lives are threatened just for existing in this country, like what?!

    as for my political views. i will forever be against what trump stands for in his hatred and needing to control others and everyone behind him and the project 2025 plan. he will never have my vote. i consider myself and independent because i don't believe that so much money should be spent on campaigns, that there should be a limit, and that monetary lobbying should be illegal because it is basically "legal" bribery at this point, i mean hello? oligarchy much? but i do hold some liberal beliefs.

  9. You are confusing a religion with a faith with a church. They are totally different things.
    You need to understand the relationship between a church and a religion. A church is a political organization that exploits a religion. That makes every "priest" a politician. Their goals are power and wealth.
    "Faith" is believing everything the priests say.
    "Sacred texts" are when the priests write something down.
    "Sin" is not doing what the priests tell you to do.
    "Heresy" is believing what a priest different from yours says.
    Most priests claim that they speak for God. (Anything they want is what God wants. Anything they say is what God says. They believe they are god.)
    God gives every person a direct connection to Him. He also gives everyone free will.
    The priests want you to ignore everything God says and listen only to them.
    The priests want you to give money to God, but they keep it for themselves.
    The priests want you to do what they say instead of what God says.
    To join a cult you must give up your free will and stop listening to God. You must do everything the cult leader says and believe everything the cult leader says.
    Christianity is based on Love. A religion based on HATE is clearly not Christian. (Anti-Christian?)
    All "religion" (a church as opposed to the religion it exploits) is nothing but politics.
    All priests are politicians exploiting a religion. Their goals are POWER and MONEY. If anyone tells you God told him anything — run! Either he is a con man or he is schizophrenic.

  10. Since Everyone Can View Things Remotely These Days, The Greedy And Criminally Abusive People Are Trying To Claim That They Are God's People So They Forcibly Claim That Jesus Died For Their Sins So They Can Have Something To Fight About.

  11. What the Hell? Did they show you RECEIPTS for this REDICULIOUSNESS? I grew up being taught to read my BIBLE & Study the WORD. However; I NEVER read any of what you're speaking of??? What VERSION OF THE BIBLE WAS THIS????????

  12. So pleased to listen to this man 🙏
    I have many friends who believe trump is 'chosen" and i just can't understand it.
    I've often felt i must be the misguided one because they are strong within a church etc & i am not (because i disagree with so much).

  13. Artist, Marieme's song, "Love Now!" should be Kamala's main campaign song! Kamala will win if she runs on the message of loving one another in the USA, and she will show the men of the USA, and this world, how to run the world, as a woman, in the USA! Thats powerful! And Jesus will be with her!

  14. I was going to a southern baptist church when I was 8 and 9 yrs old. One day, I will never forget, the preacher was preaching on fire and brimstone and, at one point, I felt like he pointed directly at me and said "and you will burn in Hell for that!" I was 9! Even worse, the week before this I went forward in the church to get saved, then asked to be baptized. He told me to go back to my seat because I didn't know what I was talking about! I never told my sister why but I never went back to that church again. When I was 11, I went to a non-demonizational church on was saved. I'm still a Christian today, almost 60 years later) but this new Christianity frightens me.

  15. About a week ago I saw a flag flying on a car. As the car was coming to a stop in front of me I saw clearly that it said "Jesus" and next to that was a pic of Trump! Then under the name Jesus was the name "Trump" and next to that name was a pic of Jesus (how we depict Him to have looked). This angered me and made me want to cry. These peole really think Trump IS Jesus?!

  16. Another thing that should be addressed is the amount of physical and psychological abuse that women of these weirdos have to endure. The whole "Submit" to your husband is, of course, twisted in their minds and becomes an EXCUSE for abuse. Its horrible, horrifying, and HAPPENING!

  17. I'm 65 and I'm more afraid for our democracy than I've EVER been! Please keep spreading the word and thank you! I'm going to be praying and voting Blue! 💙🇺🇲💙

  18. Wonderful interview and discussion! Appreciated hearing the timeline of The Seven Mountain Mandate which I’ve known about a while now! NAR. And listen to other former and current evangelicals, like Frank Schaffer. As a white New England woman, living in Texas, this education is critical! Thank you! Love you Lee!

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