Trump FREAKS OUT in Videos of Himself HE POSTED

MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on Donald Trump’s unhinged posting spree of bizarre and unhinged videos of himself and Meiselas compares it with the posts and actions by President Biden.

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Author: avnblogfeed


49 thoughts on “Trump FREAKS OUT in Videos of Himself HE POSTED

  1. Both Biden and Trump are racist. The only issue is Biden is a real career politician who's policies doubled the incarceration rate of Black Men with a running mate who tried and in a way suceeded in putting Black women in jail for their children being truent. The most agregious example was the mother who was Frog marched out of her own home still in her pajamas in from of a media crew and the big twist was her child had sickle cell anemia (something that affects the Black population more) and was missing school to go to the hospital which the mother was required by law to take her child to. And Kamala Harris lied and said that never happened. Whats worse is she laughed and siad she would never do anything specifically for Black people when her party does things specifically to target Black people.

    Trump on the other hand stokes the fires of the decendants of confederacy which is a large number of Americans who have always been pandered to by republicans using hatred and bigotry to satisfy them and keep them voting red against their best interest. He excites thes people in a way they havent been in decades and they pose a very real and present danger to the Black community. These are the people that go shoot up Grocery stores and churches in the Black neighborhoods. And get caught on audio wishing they could go back to lyncing.

    So for me as a Black woman whos family has been in this country for 300+ years i feel like im getting F cked either way. Either by the law or by people out side of the law whom I have no protections from.

    The biggest joke is Black people vote for the democratic party at a 90% rate no other group in this country does that. And if we ever stopped The dems would not be able to make those numbers up although they try their best. The Black community has many issues plaguing us specifically or majorly and the democratic party could and dixes for thoes things to their policies but they dont. All Joe biden had to say to Black people was if you dont vote for me you aint black.

    I will never vote for that man I dont care how "scary" the opposition is. I will continue to vote 3rd party. Im not a coward like my other Black peers. I will not back a party that doesn't back me. Politics is 100% transactional. Im not sacrificing myself for the good of the country. And its time for the rest to stop as well. They dont care about us they only want to use us.

  2. Il a du fric mais quelle vulgarité quelle grossièreté et vous allez voter
    pour ce déchet de l'humanité
    Bonne chance et réfléchissez bien avant de voter 😮😮😮😮😮😮😮

  3. We all know if trump loses he has the anser rigged witch hunt Trump talk talk and rumble all the crap that comes out of his mouth Trump American people finally recognize your bull shit

  4. Why is he not in jail? A convicted felon who's indicted for possession of classified documents, he is enjoying a 2 tier system! Anyone else would have their bond revoked and in jail till trial! Wouldn't be allowed to be able to travel,why ? Because he is a convicted felon, and he has been indicted that's why!! But he wants to say that he has been the victim,yeah right, hopefully he gets to experience the same thing as everyone else does,in the real world not the world of the rich and powerful!!

  5. We should be kissing President Bidens feet for offering to fix all the problems going on because of trump. In spite of trumps interference because his jealousy for Biden, he wants to hold him back on doing anything. Biden needs praise and a raise!!!

  6. trump keeps complaining about how the country is going to hell in a hand basket, but all this crime started when he crawled out from under his rock. He is the problem for all the chaos that’s going on today and will only get worse if he takes us over. All you retrumplicans are really screwing us up. Please rethink your vote before Nov

  7. Yes, you trump, should be a prisoner now but it won't be a political prisoner we & you know that, & you will be a prisoner, because of the many felonies, of which you have been found guilty,by a great jury, just doing their job as Americans

  8. 😂A LIE 😂THAT GOES UNCHALLENGED WILL EVENTUALLY BECOME THE TRUTH 😂FOR MAGA. NAVALNY 😪WAS A POLITICAL PRISONER. You are a Political BAFOON. To post 🤔What did Bill Barr call it???😃oh yes "BULLSHIT" Your gonna get destroyed at the debate. No B.S. No interruptions. 😂what are gonna do😂

  9. I can see how someone might post a bunch a
    stuff against themselves & ACT like the "other side" did the posting as a usual course of action.
    Poor themselves
    Look what others are doing to me
    Biggest liar I've ever heard. Blaming others while he was the one who did it.
    He's done that his whole life.
    donnie the need machine
    He has more in common with the
    leaders of our
    Non-friendly nations
    THAN US.

  10. Political prisoner???¿???

    Try Leonard Peltier–
    50 years he's been incarcerated for a crime he could not have physically committed-
    I mean, how DO you shoot a man in the BACK of his head when you're a couple hundred yards in FRONT of him???

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