“I Don’t Want No White People Touching Me!” (Treshon Broughton, Part Three)

“I Don’t Want No White People Touching Me!” (Treshon Broughton, Part Three)
“I Don’t Want No White People Touching Me!” (Treshon Broughton, Part Three)

On October 30, 2018 Treshon Nedill Broughton filed suit against Alex Gordon, Shane Emerson, the Pullman Police Department, and other unnamed defendants with a complaint alleging various violations of Broughton’s civil rights. Broughton alleges unlawful detention, filing of false or misleading documents about said detention, excessive force, violations of Broughton’s Sixth and Fourteenth Amendment rights, and malicious prosecution – all stemming from an incident that took place on February 18, 2017 in Pullman.

Since that incident some videos have emerged, but they are all incomplete – showing only a portion of what was captured – and they also represent only a small, cherry-picked portion of the full body of video associated with the incident and arrest. It’s difficult to form an opinion about something when you don’t know what actually happened.

So for this case, Real World Police is filling in the blanks.

Because there will be many videos in this series the channel will not be solely dedicated to it. Instead, regular programming will continue as these videos are published.


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Interested in understanding the mechanics of fighting for access to public records? Join me on a deep dive into one specific request. Direct link: http://tiny.cc/nyfoil

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

Author: phillynews215


37 thoughts on ““I Don’t Want No White People Touching Me!” (Treshon Broughton, Part Three)

  1. He’s the exact reactionary results of a failed academic system that only cares about its sporting statistics and ratings.

  2. How is it physically possible for someone to talk so fucking much. Seriously he literally does not stop talking this entire video. I'd lose my goddamn mind.

  3. That boy is geeked up… So sad his life came to an end once he hit that white line. so young, I wonder if he's still alive? Maybe prison?!!?

  4. They treat everybody that comes into a jail the same…a criminal. I was white and i was just another #. They dont care dude. Relax

  5. Fuc- I HATE being on the wrong side of law in that booking room. If you ain't done it yet , SHUT UP before you arrive !! I'm not a lawyer , and I know that !

  6. To be Fair, it's not fair if we can't see the rest of the video about what happened during The arrest. They need to provided by law, as for the law suit, any updates???

  7. These comments are to stupid. Most of you idiots trying to name parenting and drugs have no idea about him. He is well dressed and while he is mumbling along , obviously there is a mental issue . Being a black man in custody I can understand his fears.

  8. Really we need to post what one bad black person has to say that will reflect on other black ppl that have nothing to do with this.. Geesh! You give the idiot more credit then he is worth!!! THUMBS DOWN!

  9. I think every citizen unless they are physically incapable…should at the age of 14-16 be enlisted for one month in the armed services and introduced to individuals that sacrifice their life for the safety of this nation. That is why I believe that these young people don't have any idea what is is like to have these responsibilities. Listen to his attitude…totally rebellious..no respect. Shameful

  10. Cop was right…super dramatic, you would think this dude was raised on soap operas or something..sound like a crybaby wah wah wah wah wah is all I hear I been done taped his mouth shut with all that whining this girl is doing

  11. Wait….did that black guy say NI66ER? I thought blacks were offended by that word. So much for that who,e equality thing, huh?

  12. Police cameras have exposed exactly who the racists bigots are during police encounters with blacks. And time and time again it’s proven that it ain’t the ones wearing the badge.

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